วันพุธที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

A very Rainy April

A very Rainy April

Usually by this time of year the amount of rain has decreased as the year begins to roll into Autumn. However this years rainy season was out of sync, not much during Feb & March and then in April the heavens decided to open up. This is of course good news for the animals as they would have struggled more than usual, come late October.

However the rains have brough fresh new growth and parts of Southern Kruger are thicker than ever. Particularly in the south and south western parts - tall thatching grass in these areas will make game viewing more challenging. I am sure that on the first safaris of the season we will be exploring more to the east to stay away from the thick growth.

First up are two trips, back to back, beginning today. I hope to be able to update from somewhere in Kruger with an in the field report of current conditions and sightings. - Stay Tuned !!

